2024 December Psychonaut has its global premiere at the Brooklyn Horror Film Festival 2022 May THE DUTCH ANGLE PROJECT Goes Live! 2020 August TRUMPED BY MUSIC! May Lessons Learned From The Film Market Trenches 2019 November David Grover profiled as new KONKAV'ER by KONKAV, the networking platform for the Brabant-based audiovisual sector. August KILL MODE in the can and trailer released! 2018 October Post-Apocalyptic Actioner MOLLY out on DVD, Blu-ray & VOD! September Phil O'Sullivan attached to co-write psychological thriller BLINDFOLD VISION August Nicci Thompson attached to direct psychological thriller BLINDFOLD VISION January David Grover, Falcon Grove CEO, to Participate in European Film Market in Berlin, Germany 2017 December Film Investor Lingo... ROI versus IRR June David Grover, Falcon Grove CEO, to Participate in FEST Pitching Forum in Espinho, Portugal. May David Grover, Falcon Grove CEO, to Participate in Producers Network in Cannes, France. February David Grover to participate in Frontieres Finance & Packaging Forum 2016 May David Grover, Falcon Grove President, Participates in Producers Network in Cannes, France. February Falcon Grove first email update is out! Falcon Grove acquires 100% of the rights for the dramatic thriller, Blindfold Vision Falcon Grove attending the European Film Market in Berlin 2015 August Falcon Grove attending the Netherlands Film Festival and Holland Film Meeting July New recommended links! June New mood pics for Blindfold Vision! Falcon Grove - back from Cannes, 15-19 May May Falcon Grove website live!